The two weeks that Willie is home just flies by! I can't believe he has gone back to work already. We try to cram so much into those two weeks that it gets a little crazy around here! We went to Pearl and saw "The Clone Wars". We had a birthday supper for Poppa (my dad's dad). He turned 77 on the 13th and most of the family was able to meet at Michael's and celebrate with him. Sebastian had friends over and they swam and played "Rock Band" all weekend. And somewhere amongst all that, Willie cooked some wonderful meals!
We also started Financial Peace at church......which means we worked on the budget, cancelled our credit cards, and had a plasectomy (meaning we cut up the cards after we cancelled them). We learned that I am the "nerd" and Willie is the "free-spirit". Who would've thought that, hugh? Now we just have to figure out how we are going to budget for Star Wars stuff and still become debt free! We can do it! It will just take a little compromising. :)